Mentoring & coaching
In addition to formal training, OCR fosters skills development via coaching and mentoring. Areas in which we have provided coaching and mentoring include small business development, venture capital pitches, careers coaching, and scientific skills, including science writing and data analysis. We have developed organisational mentoring programmes, and also participated in a coaching and mentoring research programme run by Manchester Business School.
Case studies
Mentoring of young scientists/junior staff
OCR has provided one to one mentoring of young scientists and junior staff in the area of scientific communication (verbal and written) and staff management issues. This has included ongoing support over a period of several months or years, once off support, and co-supervisions of academic projects/PhDs.
Developing a mentoring programme
Our client was responsible for delivering all of the professional development activities to primary and secondary level teachers in a European country. Part of their secondary level support involved the mentoring of school principals. Together with Jerry Cronin, OCR designed a mentoring programme, including training for mentors and evaluation processes, which was adopted and implemented by our client.